Know small round eggplant, vegetables are rich in benefits but rarely cultivated


Have you ever eaten this little eggplant vegetable, how does it taste?

Takokak or eggplant (the name of this vegetable in Indonesia) is a plant from the eggplant group whose fruit and seeds are used as vegetables or herbs. Names in international trade are not standard, some of which are turkey berries or mini-eggplant. Wikipedia

In Indonesia, this vegetable is one of the favorite vegetables. This eggplant is processed into various types of food. However, to get it is not too easy because this eggplant is not widely planted by farmers.

Therefore, these eggplants are not always available on the market. Usually vegetable sellers get this eggplant from special collectors. This eggplant grows wild in the forest and collectors pick it and sell it. so, don't be surprised if this eggplant in Indonesia is valued more expensive than other eggplant types.

The reason why this eggplant is not cultivated by farmers is not known with certainty. However, there are indeed difficulties in cultivating it. Even a small eggplant fruit that is ripe even though it is sometimes difficult to germinate.

In this eggplant forest it grows wild and spreads by itself. This is usually used by eggplant seekers, namely caring for wild eggplant plants in the forest so as to produce maximum eggplant yields.


Then what is superior in this eggplant with other types of eggplant?

All types of eggplant vegetables are rich in health benefits, but there are separate beliefs circulating in Indonesian society. Yes, it's a small eggplant that is believed to make healthy eyes for those who like to eat it.


Then, is this belief true? Yes!

This eggplant belief can make healthy eyes correct, because these little eggplant contain lots of vitamin A.

Because it is rich in vitamin A, making this small eggplant as good as carrot vegetables in making healthy eyes. So, don't underestimate this eggplant because the shape of the fruit is small huh? :)

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