Avocado Mango, New Mango Varieties from Indonesia


Do you like mangoes?

I'm sure many people, even almost everyone likes mangoes. Yes, besides the good taste and sweet, mango it also has good nutrition for the health of the human body. Right, mangoes contain vitamin C and even antioxidants that are good for counteracting free radicals.

However, talking about mangoes I was interested in new mango varieties that were successfully developed in Indonesia. Yes, the name is avocado mangoes.

When we hear the name of avocado mango, we will think that this mango is the result of a cross between mango and avocado. But it turned out wrong!

Avocado mango is the name only, this avocado mango is a genetic engineering product of several types of mango to produce the latest varieties of mango.

Then, what are the advantages of avocado mango with other types of mango?

Avocado mangoes are not much different from other types of mangoes, avocado mangoes can harvest around 4-5 year after planting. Some people choose to do cuttings or transplants so that the process of harvesting is faster, which is 3 years after planting.

However, there are a number of uniqueness of avocado mangoes that are worthy of consideration and are sought after by many people.

The difference between avocado mango and other mangoes is the softer texture, while the most striking difference is in how to eat it. Yes, like mango in general, it must first be peeled, while avocado mangoes are cut like they want to eat avocados.


So, you no longer need to peel the mango skin when you want to enjoy the meat, just need to cut the fruit only and the avocado mango seeds will be separated from the mango meat. The same is true when you eat avocados.

This is what makes people interested in avocado mangoes, a more practical way of eating makes your hands no longer need to waste time peeling mango skin. :)

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