Gambling addiction is a great problem of modern times especially for kids, and this disease covers almost all countries in the world.
Yeah, it's a disease, and ludomania (gambling addiciton) is considered to be a medical diagnosis that must be treated like a real illness, just like drug or alcochol addiction.


In China, for example, gambling addiction is taken like a real medical problem, and the state helps to treat addicted kids.
In New Zealand smarthphones are forbidden at schools because of great risk of ludomania for kids. Moroever school results are becoming lower and lower because of it.

in my country, all officials and parentrs agree that it's a great problem, but in fact digitalization of education is becoming more progressive and agressive!
Children are forced to register at digital platforms and use them for making hometasks and reach definite levels in digital ratings!

Where is the logics?
If it's a problem, so why do officials promote digital platforms?

And what's the most important - why are parents blamed in kids gambling addiction then???
Why parents?
Why always parents are bad?

I've watched a video from the meeting of parents and officials devoted to the Safety in Internet.

Elina Zhgutova, one of the main parents protectors, make officials to reply these very questions: why does the state force digital education, and then parents lose kids because of ludomania?

Officials tried to explain that ludomania is a problem of bad parents.
But in fact it's not always so!

One mother that was there is blamed in irresponsible motherhood because of gambling addiction of her sons.

But when she told her story, officials had nothing to reply!
In fact she is a kind and shy mother that didn't let kids use Internet at all until the school demanded registration in the social net and digital platform!
Internet story of the kids began because of the school demands!
And then it was just development of addiction that Mother couldn't stop despite all her tries and taboos...
And there are millions of such moms all over the world.

Now CPS are going to take her kids away...
Under the pressure of family protectors and thanks it was online program that was watched by millions of people, officials had to promise their help and protection in decision of this woman's problem.

But why do parents should suffer and solve problems that digital education have started??

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