They Tear Families Apart in the Name of Child Protection, Which is Why We are Starting Familly Protection, A support Group For Families that Need Protecting.


It's time to combine our efforts, support each other's stories and come together for a better #familyprotection.

Every time I tell my stories of growing up in the foster care system or trying to keep my children out of this system, I get a huge response from this community.

I have noticed in the comment section of these posts that there are so many voices from so many different people in so many different countries, all speaking out against the same system, the same tyranny, the same recurring nightmare of children being taken by CPS for the obscurest of reasons.

They pick on single mothers or parents who don't have the support of a community, people who don't have the resources, know-how or power to fight back.

Steemit is a place where all stories can be heard without fear of censorship, Steemit is a place where people can support one another and come together for the greater good of this planet, Steemit is a place where voices can REALLY be heard.

With all this in mind, We would like to start a new group, a group of people standing together as one, for people who want to make a change but feel powerless on their own, a group of people supporting each other with their struggles against the system.

  • This group will support anyone who has a story of their dealings with the CPS, social services, or any other so-called "child protection" group.

  • This is a place for people for want to speak out against the foster care system, the Child Protection Service, the courts, the judges or any organisation that take our children in the name of law and justice.

  • This group will start off small, but as steemit grows this group will one day be a force to be reckoned with.

  • This group may one day have the funds and the lawyers to help people who find themselves under attack from the system.

This group is set up by various steemians, it is not MY group, I am just the chosen messenger, We believe if this group has no leader then they have no one to go after, no one to persecute, no one to harass.

We will all have to help this group grow in whichever way we can and we will all have a say.

The format of this group we believe will change the bigger it gets, but for now, we can start off by just writing stories and tagging them with #familyprotection this way we can all support one another and hopefully we can get the attention of some whales who are willing to support this group.

A @familyprotection account has been set up, this account will hold all future funds and will hopefully recieve delegation loans to help support all genuine #familyprotection posts.

We will have a discord chat group called Family Protection, once you join this discord group you will be redirected to a safer more private chat group for discussing more sensitive matters.

Discord Link

For us to be taken seriously the stories we tell must be real and true.

We believe this group could be a great way for people to get the right information, help, support and protection they will need when dealing with the state.

Please be a part of this initiative by supporting and helping it grow in anyway you can.

All the liquid steem from this post will be put into savings on the @familyprotection account,
this account is in the trusted hands of a very trustworthy member of this community @canadian-coconut

Peace and love to the World.

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