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Missing Children - But there is nothing I can do!

 Many people don’t offer to help because they don’t think they have anything to offer or aren’t talented or important enough to make a difference. 

As a Divine Energy Channel and healer (@michellecarter) I'd just like to say:

This is so NOT true! 

Love has been proven to have healing power, and sending loving, healing intentions out to the universe is powerful, especially when many people are doing this. 

Some of the simplest, easiest and quickest things to do can make a big difference when multiplied by thousands of people, and even more so when multiplied by millions of people. 

Everyone CAN: 

  •  Sending out loving, healing intentions that these missing children will be found. 

This is especially important for children who have just gone missing, the first few hours are most important so the more positive intentions being sent to them during this time will really help them.  

  • If they have been kidnapped and their fate is not looking good, then don’t they deserve to receiving lots of energetic love from us all to cope with such a traumatic experience.  
  • Please send Love and Light or pray for these children and for their souls. 

Doing this IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE, which is why I’m sharing this information now, to say  

PLEASE . . . . 

  • Share all our posts 
  • Send out Love, Light, Healing and Prayers to the children being found quickly  
  • And to them to feel love whilst in shock and trauma  
  • To their souls if the worst happens. 

If you’re child went missing, how much better would you feel to know that thousands of strangers were doing this for you and your child? 

We need to unite and do the right thing, the best we can for these children and intentions, prayers and clicks of sharing buttons doesn’t take long to do, so please 

SHARE THIS POST  & Encourage others to support us in this important mission. 

If you can help in other ways then please comment below or Message @inthenow or @michellecarterVTJGc2RHVmtYMTg1WGRSYkJDUEY1Nm4rQjBOdElQNXU4Ti8yeDB3M0pKTT0=

Thank you so much! 
