Signs of Life at the Park


The Mask Thing is Overdone at State Parks

There are signs everywhere lecturing people on how they are supposed to behave, but deeper than that, how they are supposed to THINK.

It began with the DNR lying to us.


THERE IS NO LAW PASSED BY THE MAJORITY HOUSE AND SENATE, SIGNED BY THE EXECUTIVE. Apparently, in Michigan, all you need is a declaration (Executive Order) and suddenly it's law.


Oh and if you're going to make things difficult and not wear a mask, stay outside and we'll TRY to assist you. Yes, we'll TRY.


No children allowed, limit five people, stay six feet apart, mask required. UGGGH.


Wash your hands (at least 20 seconds), uses sanitizer, we can't sanitize this equipment as often as our neurosis tells us we should.

Nobody was wearing masks!

Looking at the campers, nobody was wearing masks except the employees. I even registered our site without a mask, without incident. All signs, no action. They know they can't really enforce the mandates, all they can do is lecture people via signs.

Signs of Life


But the greatest sign I saw all day was this: among a giant pile of painted stones, I saw a few encouraging messages:




Even at the campgrounds, the philosophical war rages on. The authoritarians are ruling and the campers are desenting.

Where will this all lead? Only time will tell.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of FIVE wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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