read the child's character


Caring for children to grow as we want, being a healthy and intelligent child is a challenge as well as a separate responsibility for parents. However, not infrequently parents tend to impose his will that the child obeys all the rules of his parents.

Some parents do not understand what exactly the child wants because of lack of communication or attention.

1. Children want to be together.
Eating together in a family is very important for family harmony. And this is one of the things most kids expect from their parents. Although sometimes you are too busy with your work, at least you still take the time to eat with children and family members in a week.

2. Children expect love and love.

God indeed has granted human with the nature of affection, especially the relationship of love between parents and the child. So parents should understand that children really expect affection from their parents. But, you also must be able to behave properly so that children do not become spoiled.

3. Children really want their parents to attend school events.

Children will feel proud when they find their parents are in the audience when they participate in a school event. It will make the children motivated to achieve more. In addition, your child will also feel greatly appreciated if you support what they do.

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