Fact: Connecting everyone to the Internet will help reduce world Poverty and increase global Economy

Many people especially in the developing world were in dark before the advent of the internet, thanks to the founding fathers of the internet, most of us are ( especially those privileged to have 24/7 connectivity ) are better off than before due to its limitless opportunities.

According to Theguardian ,

Bringing internet access to the 4.1 billion people in the world who do not have it would increase global economic output by $6.7 trillion (£4.6tr), raising 500 million people out of poverty, according to a study by PwC.
The report, titled Connecting the world: Ten mechanisms for global inclusion, was prepared for Facebook by PwC’s strategy consultants Strategy&.
Getting everyone in the world online is not as tall an order as one might think, according to the company: affordability, rather than infrastructure, is the main barrier to internet adoption in most areas. More than nine-tenths of the the world’s population live in places where the infrastructure exists to get them online, but the majority of them cannot afford to do so.

The above assertion, is correct even though there are some limitations to wide use of the internet examples, costs ( electricity,laptop , mobile phones )especially if you are from developing countries, addiction to social media / online games, cyber criminals, wide spread of online pornography even to children etc
Conversely, however, there are many upsides to the internet, here are some few points:

Note: There are other things that contribute to reduction of world poverty examples, good governance, improved global heath, peace etc however for the purpose of this post, I will concentrate on the internet.

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More Innovative / educated world: our wold is more innovative due to the internet because learning has no boundaries. In fact, you can register for an online university in USA from Germany, Nigeria , China or Russia . This has led to increase in knowledge which is good for global economies.

Moreover, the internet is the backbone to innovative technologies like blockchain ( which helped many people to earn online via cryptocurrencies) ,anti-crime technologies, family/friends reunion- via social media , improved connectivity via online video,chat and calls etc.

Jobs : The internet has led to millions of job creation and multiplier effects that comes from the jobs. There are millions of online businesses worldwide which has created jobs around the world , reduced poverty and added positively to the global economy.

Are you grateful to the internet? Send in your comments and or suggestions, resteem in order for others to join and upvote in order to send in your support.

See my former post: Will Steem SMT be Ethereum and EOS alternative?

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