To the spaced out 98yo me.

How’s it going in 2064 ya’ moldy old jelly roll, have you been to the moon yet?
Not that you ever believed that they went to the moon in the first place, well not in the way they showed back in the dark old days of 1969. The shit we coped back then remember. No one ever listened or gave half a peanut riddled turd when you pointed out the crap film footage they supposedly took and beamed back to the teaming masses on our “tell lie vision program” sets. We had seen The Wizard of OZ and know the availability of a decent camera and what it can shoot, so what was with the scratchy black and white crap they tried to pull off as being real footage? Yeah, we know that they supposedly transmitted that footage to earth so of course it would be scratchy in 1969, but didn’t they think of taking a decent camera up for some happy snaps in full panoramic glossy colour! And what happened to the original moon footage… Oh yeah, they lost track of it and then ended up re-taping over it! It would have been more believable if they had of blamed it on the Van Allen radiation belts as being the cause of it being wiped instead of having it look like NASA was being run by Mr Bean and Pee Wee Herman.
Do they ever bring up the Van Allen belts in your time ya’ old fart in a bottle? You remember; the highly radiated belts that surround our planet and make it impossible to penetrate outer space without having some very serious radiation issues. NASA said that the aluminum on the inside and out of the landing module stopped the radiation and that astronauts weren’t in the radiation zone for very long so they were all cool. Yeah sure, so why don’t they just wrap our nuclear waste in aluminum.
Other weird shit we never understood, different shadows in the photos when only one light source existed; ie: the sun.
Doctored photos with identical backgrounds yet taken in different lunar places.
The waving flag in an atmosphere not conducive to waving flags.
The small rocks and dust being kicked up and falling back to the surface in a very non authentic way. Shouldn’t those particles of dust of been flying through the atmosphere in an ever outward expanding arc in a low gravity type fashion.
And remember Myth Busters? Probably not, we hated that stupid show but you did watch that episode on YouTube where they proved the moon landing was a hoax… Well; they proved it was made in a studio when they tried to prove the moon landing actually happened by recreating it in a studio proving it was actually a hoax because their proving it was filmed in a studio... Sheesh!
Anyway, back to topic. Are there any bases on the moon and are folk going there for holidays in 2064?
Because as you and I, I being you; know that if they landed on the moon and it was so fucking easy to do in an aluminum tin can in 1969 and that they could run, jump, dance and drive really cool buggies as well as leaving shit behind while polluting the joint, just like they always do, why have they, in 2016 at least, not gone back and built a space station on it? I mean really, it has to be easier than trying to build and maintain that gerbil tunnel of a so called space station that’s floating around in the outer atmosphere at this mo.
Wouldn’t it be easy enough to remotely build a runway on the moon and then jettison a shuttle like vehicle from the fringes of the gravitational pull of earth from some form of sister ship into the flightpath of the moon and land there. Come on, even at this stage in my long life it has been 44 years since they last landed a man on its cheesy green surface. Since that time in 1969, we have invented amazing things like advanced Nano computer technology, touch screens, Pokemon Go and slurpies and exploited everything from off shore unconventional gas deposits to rare earth minerals that make the touch screens that have the youth addicted to Pokemon Go.
Are we the only ones who saw the inconsistency of this? Hell, do you even care about it now while reading this in 2064? Mayhap the mind controlling blanket reality has smothered your free thought and independent thinking so that you now don’t give a shit. Or maybe you don’t care anymore because the truth is out. No one can go to the moon and you are all laughing at the ignorance of the mindless sheeple that fell for the force fed media lies back in the day.

I’ll tell you what though, if they still haven’t been back there and are not giving an explanation why, then something seriously fucked up is going on and if no one is paying attention you better be, you dopey old bastard.

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