5000 Friends and 3000 Followers on Facebook and I Just Told Them All Goodbye. I Did Ask Them To Follow Me On Steemit Though WOOHOO

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GOODBYE FACEBOOK you sorry, wastful digital hell. I can no longer justify having Facebook. It serves no positive purpose. If people, no matter how much time they spend on it, were to devote that same amount of time volunteering, reading, playing with the kids, walking outside, talking to a spouse or loved one or doing anything positive at all, could improve the quality of their life. I can't believe I have been a volunteer slave for so many years already. They convinced us that this was a way to stay in contact with people while actually building the largest database of personal information ever dreamed about, while we ignore the people all around us.

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I feel like the biggest sucker on the planet. FACEBOOK will be remembered sometime in the future as being the biggest con ever pulled on human kind. I am happy to be getting this little piece of the matrix out of my life. Sitting and scrolling, looking at pictures, reading gossip, watching videos, playing games or whatever pointless things we do etc.. serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever besides filling our need to gossip and be nosy. Making comments on other peoples life issues as if we are entitled to give people advice, making ourselves feel as if we are intelligent enough to make an impact or change someones mind.

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Feeling a sense of accomplishment just because we shared a post that is usually just someone elses thoughts because we cant keep focused long enough to understand our own. Why not spend that time thinking and actually writing our own words and thoughts.

We have as a society fallen right into their trap of isolation. Isolating ourselves from real human interaction while thinking and being told that we are being social . Just as our country is in the trap of believing that we are free while actually being enslaved.Have fun in this digital prison. I am going to start spending the time I wasted here actually living physically in the real world.

I tapered myself down just like a drug addict has to to beat his drug addiction, that in itself makes me feel like such a fool that for not recognizing this sooner. I am so happy to tell this digital heroin they call Facebook, goodbye. Maybe one day I will return, but for the love of all that is good, I pray that I never relapse. Goodbye to all the kind people that I have met while on here and to all the rest of you....Have fun on here accomplishing nothing good whatsoever...

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