The definition of a quote is very simple - it's a sentence or phrase written or spoken by another person and I am a huge quotes fan because most of the quotes have a special meaning and a deep thought. Quotes can inspire, motivate and make you laugh. They can teach you and show the world from a different angle. And I am also pretty sure that you can find quotes about every theme you want.

My favorite quotes are, of course, about traveling. I also prefer motivational and inspirational quotes, but let us stick today with the theme of traveling.

One of the most amazing things I love about quotes is the ability in only a few words to tell a story about something or someone. That's also why I find quotes about countries especially interesting. After reading only a few quotes, you already can have a very well picture of the country, its culture, food, traditions, and things they are proud of.

In this post, you will have the possibility to learn about 10 European countries only from quotes. I have done great research and selected the 5 to 10 best quotes about every country! And I also hope to inspire you to new destinations! Have fun and comment below the most beautiful quote in your opinion!


Quotes about Italy show how welcoming, sunny and beautiful this country is. No matter, how bad you are doing in your life, in Italy, you will always find what to enjoy and admire. Italians are also very well known for their delicious food and wines. In Italy, you can definitely find happiness.

''Maybe money can’t buy happiness, but it can get you a nice little villa in Tuscany, and that’s close enough for me.''

/Lois Greiman, writer/

''When life gives you twists and turns, chique yourself up in Italy.''

/Barbara Conelli, writer/

''You may have the universe if I may have Italy.''

/Giuseppe Verdi, italian composer/

''In Italy, they add work and life on to food and wine.''

/Robin Leach, writer/

''There’s nothing more romantic than Italian food.''

/Elisha Cuthbert, Canadian actress/

''For sure, in Italy, the sun always shines.''

/Aleksandar Mitrovic, Serbian footballer/

''Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life.''

/Anna Akhmatova, Russian poet/
Quotes about Italy, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about France show how strong and confident this nation is. They love their country with their whole heart but don't care what others think. France is elegant and stylish and maybe it's the only country in the world where you can learn to be elegant and stylish.

''Every man has two countries: his own and France.''

/John F. Kennedy, American politician/

''France is the most civilized country in the world and doesn't care who knows it.''

/John Gunther, American writer/

''True, you can sit outside in Paris and drink little cups of coffee. But why this is more stylish than sitting inside and drinking large glasses of whiskey I don’t know.''

/P.J. O’Rourke, American journalist/

''In France, cooking is a serious art form and a national sport.''

/Julia Child, American cook/

''How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese.''

/Charles de Gaulle, French army officer/

''I do not believe there is another city on earth so beautiful as Paris nor another people with such an appreciation of the beauty as the French.''

/Edward Hopper, American painter/

''Whoever does not visit Paris regularly will never really be elegant.''

/ Honoré de Balzac, French novelist/

''Paris is always a good idea.''

/Audrey Hepburn, British actress/
Quotes about France, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about Spain show the friendliness of this country. In Spain, it may really feel like a neverending party with amazing music, food, wines, and the friendliest people on the earth. If you want new friends, go to Spain, you will never be bored or alone there.

''Any reasonable, sentient person who looks at Spain, comes to Spain, eats in Spain, drinks in Spain, they’re going to fall in love. Otherwise, there’s something deeply wrong with you. This is the dream of all the world.''

/Anthony Bourdain, American chef and journalist/

''Spain is a fascinating mix of people, language, culture and food, but if there is one thing all spaniards share, it's a love of food and drink.''

/Jose Andres, Spanish-American chef/

''I would sooner be a foreigner in Spain than in most countries. How easy it is to make friends in Spain!''

/George Orwell, English novelist/

''I wish one time in my life I could do what other writers do… get me a villa in Spain and go there to write a book.''

/Lewis Grizzard, American writer/

''I am learning with my mum how to cook more Spanish food. I’m trying to make a good paella, but that’s a real art.''

/Daniel Bruhl, Spanish-German actor/

''Spain, the beautiful country of wine and songs.''

/Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet/
Quotes about Spain, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about Greece show how ancient and rich this country is. Greeks consider themselves to be the beginning of everything and in part, they are really right - one of the smartest heads, inventions, and architectural wonders comes from Greece. There are many things they are proud of! But the most important - you are always very welcome in Greece.

''It takes a lifetime to discover Greece, but it only takes an instant to fall in love with her.''

/Henry Miller, American writer/

''Greece is the most magical place on Earth.''

/Kylie Bax, New Zealand-born actress/

''We are all Greeks. Our laws, our literature, our religion, our arts have their root in Greece.''

/Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet/

''Unless you have seen the houses of Mykonos, you can’t pretend to be an architect. Whatever architecture has to say, it is said here.''

/Le Corbusier, Swiss-French architect/

''In a way, it’s nice to know that there are Greek gods out there, because you have somebody to blame when things go wrong.''

/Rick Riordan, American author/

''In Greece, people have a quality of life. People here live beautifully.''

Otto Rehhagel, German footballer/

''Get ready for wine, raki, and getting hand-fed by strangers.''

/Anthony Bourdain, American chef and journalist/
Quotes about Greece, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about Portugal show two things – peacefulness and football. Portugal is everything about relaxing, enjoying the sea and watching football. The perfect mix for a great vacation!

''If there is one portion of Europe which was made by the sea more than another, Portugal is that slice, that portion, that belt. Portugal was made by the atlantic.''

/Hilaire Belloc, British-French writer/

''I have got two places I like to be. Portugal is one.''

/Cliff Richard, English singer/

''But Portugal has a peaceful feel about it. I sit on the terrase overlooking the vineyard there and feel cut off from the world. You need that sort of thing.''

/Cliff Richard, English singer/

''Any Portuguese town looks like bride's finery – something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.''

/Mary Mccarthy, American novelist/

''Portugal have a national team called Cristiano Ronaldo and a group of players who run after him.''

/Carlos Queiroz, Portuguese football coach/

''Portugal have a mix of players and talent, which is what Portuguese players and coaches are often about. It's like play-ground football.''

/Julen Lopetegui, Spanish football manager/
Quotes about Portugal, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about Austria show how neutral and sly this nation is. Austrians do not intervene where they do not need to. They are smart and know how to reach the things they want. They have money, beautiful nature, and peace. What else do they need?

''Let others make war, you happy Austria marry, for kingdoms given to others by Mars, Venus will give to you.''

/Matthias Corvinus, King of Hungary and Croatia in 15th century/

''The world's in chaos, but Austria stands fast.''

Egon Friedell, Austrian philosopher/

''While other nations do battle, you lucky Austria, you wed.''

/Maria Theresa, female ruler of the Habsburg dominions/

''The Austrians are brilliant people. They made the world believe that Hitler was a German and Beethoven was an Austrian.''

/Billy Wilder, Austrian-born American film director/

''Who could deny that our Austria is richer than any other country? As the saying goes: ''We have money like manure''.''

/Franz Grillparzer, Austrian writer/
Quotes about Austria, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about Germany talk a lot about Germanys' history and all the things that happened during the I and the II World War. But besides all the negativity, they are one of the best engineers in the world. Is there still someone out there who doesn't know german cars? Ohh, yes, one more thing that is very often associated with Germany is the Geman language - so hard, that it's challenging even for Germans itself.

''Poor old Germany. Too big for Europe, too small for the world.''

/Henry Kissinger, American diplomat/

''In my several visits to Germany, I have written in admiration of that country's strenuous efforts to face its past and make amends.''

/Richard Cohen, American writer/

''We Germans should know that we are good at constructing cars, and we have a lot of good qualities. But we are not the funnies.''

/Daniel Bruhl, Spanish-German actor/

''One of the key problems is that the Germans know what they do because everywhere they go there's a 'made in Germany' label on it – they can feel proud of Volkswagens and Audis and Mercedes.''

/Evan Davis, English economist/

''Life is too short to learn German.''

/Richard Porson, English classical scholar/

''Whenever the literary German dives into a sentence, that is the last you are going to see of him till he emerges on the other side of his Atlantic with his verb in his mouth.''

/Mark Twain, American writer/

''I never knew before what eternity was made for. It is to give some of us a chance to learn German.''

/Mark Twain, American writer/
Quotes about Germany, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about the Czech Republic are all about nature and Prague. If you have at least once visited Prague, you will understand why this city is so much loved. Prague is one of the main Czech Republics' treasures.

''Czech Republics worst pick up line: What's a nice place like this doing around a women like you?''

/Franz Wisner, New York Times bestselling author/

''I had travelled to a lot of cities in Europe before, but Prague was special. It held a mysterious attraction for me.''

/Arfi Lamba, Indian actor/

''If European cities were a necklace, Prague would be a diamond among the pearls.''


''Prague never lets you go. This dear little mother has sharp claws.''

/Franz Kafka, author/

''Czechs simply don’t say they’re going camping or spending time outdoors. They say, that they are going 'into the nature' as though nature, is beyond a place in the woods or other forms of terrain, that nature was a state of mind and had the ability to reverse the crippling, chaotic aspects of life.''

/M.B. Dallocchio, author/

''The Czechs are downright crazy about mushrooms! In late summer and autumn, a foreigner might even get the impression that the number of sponge-hunting Czechs roaming about in the forests with a punnet largely exceeds the possible number of mushrooms.''

/Terje B. Englund, author/
Quotes about the Czech Republic, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about Sweden show how fascinating real lives people are living. No pretending, no hesitation, no prejudice. People are who they are, they live their lives and are happy to be naked. Yes, all so simple!

''I’ve seen quite a bit of the world, but I really like Sweden and feel like I could live there someday.''

/Juliana Hatfield, American musician/

''I think, a lot of my career and my life before I went to Sweden, I felt like I was trying to be someone else.''

/Christen Press, American soccer player/

''When I went to Sweden, I sort of found out who I was.''

/Christen Press, American soccer player/

''There’s something I love about how stark the contrast is between January and June in Sweden.''

/Bill Skarsgard, Swedish actor/

''I think Sweden is known for people being a bit quieter than other cultures, and I guess it’s a mixture: shyness and leaving room for other people to talk. Of course, when people get drunk, all of that disappears.''

/Jose Gonzalez, Swedish singer/

''I love Sweden. The entire world should be like Sweden. They all like to drink and get naked, and the women are hot. I can’t think of a better nation on the planet.''

/Drew Curtis, American businessman/

''I’m from Sweden. We don’t wear clothes in Sweden.''

/Alexander Skarsgard, Swedish actor/

''Sweden is famous for many things – but not fashion.''

/Stefan Persson, Swedish businessman/
Quotes about Sweden, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


Quotes about Switzerland show that this country is the land of peace and the greatest chocolate in the world! Swiss are very calm and peaceful, just like the country itself – there is more to admire watching than exploring. People's lifestyle in Switzerland is balanced and peaceful and that's how they go through life.

''But before I die, I want to visit heaven on Earth: Switzerland.''

/Govind Maheshwari/

''I’ve been to a lot of places while touring, but I’d have to say Switzerland was my favorite.''

/Drake Bell, American actor/

''Switzerland is my favorite place now, because it’s so – nothing. There is absolutely nothing to do.''

/Andy Warhol, American artist/

''I keep my opinions to myself. I’m neutral – like Switzerland.''

/Sistine Stallone, American model/

''Switzerland is a place where they don’t like to fight, so they get people to do their fighting for them while they ski and eat chocolate.''

/Larry David, American actor/

''I’m from Switzerland, so I grew up with great chocolate.''

/Daniel Humm, Swiss chef/

''In a country where peace prevails in every corner, everything looks prettier, calmer and wiser!''

/Mehmet Murat ildan, Turkish writer/

''Swiss cities remind me of the kid at high school who’s great at sports, has perfect hair, the best girlfriend, and the teachers all love him. He’s just too perfect.''

/Rick Steves, American travel writer/

''How could you get mad at someone who neither needed to attack nor was worried at all about being able to defend? It was like getting mad at Switzerland.''

/Karl Marlantes, American author/

''Delicious chocolate and cheese. Breathtaking mountains and nature. How can I ever leave Switzerland?''

Quotes about Switzerland, photo by My Small Travel Guide. All rights reserved.


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