Exposure to Steem is Great For Writers

Exposure is great for writers, but Steemit knows that exposure alone hasn't paid one bill for a writer. Grocery stores don't accept exposure at the check-out. Writers write because they have to, not for the money, but an unpaid internship cannot go on for years. They will eventually quit writing, because they need to feed themselves and others. Bands play for beer, singers sing for their supper, and writers write for valuable Steem dollars. Steemit - Thank you for restoring respect for writers, and for revolutionizing the sharing economy! You rock!

Steemit inspires artists to keep making art. It doesn't exist to make their CEO famous and rich, but to make their contributors and commenters famous, which in turn helps their CEO. Everybody wins! Steemit represents the caring economy , and their contributors show their gratitude by posting quality material and curating the site to maintain that quality.

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