As a new Steemer coming over from Reddit I think this site has a lot of cool unique opportunities


One area I feel Reddit has really dropped the ball in is in the ability for new subreddits to gain popularity. Mostly you see the same tired old subs consistently hitting the front page without much change. I believe this site has a really cool opportunity in that it's newness could allow a lot new tags and posts to become popular that would never even get past a single up vote on a site like Reddit. 

So that being said, I'd like to introduce a new tag (I think that's what there called here on steemit) called expertise. I would like a place where anybody can post anything they have knowledge about, because I think that it's cool to learn new stuff and also I think everybody feels good when they can share what they're good at. 

For my first expertise post I'd like to share the simplest and most effective writing tip I know. I am a former English teacher and the one advice I give to anyone asking, from writers of college acceptance letters to professional resumes, is to remove eight words from there papers. Anytime you have a sentence with any of these words "am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been" rewrite it to remove that word. It is ridiculous to do for casual writing like this, but professionally if you do just this one thing it will take your paper to the next level.

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