RANT 001

Today had started on a great day. I woke with a lot energy and spice. I had an audition. I had prepared my monologue and nailed my rehearsal. It was my 6th audition this year and even though i have never gotten a call back, I was optimistic. With every audition came a bigger enthusiasm. It was my passion and I don't intend for anything to deter me from this part. So, I stepped out and made a journey to the venue even though i do not know the place. I made it there thanks to my Google map; I knew where to drop and what bus to board.

I had worn my favorite shoe. White and pretty. I felt invinscible in this shoe. Lol, it actually boost my confidence. And today, i needed all the confidence i could get.

I got to the venue 10am and it was already getting crowded. I expected that, it was an audition. Everyone was here to show their talent.

I picked up a form to fill, I was number 154. I also got to know they were already at number 20 and they started the audition not long ago.

Well, I tried to estimate how much of my time i will be expending there because I had other plans for the day which was me gettting back to continue my #marchmadness from the @freewritehouse. I was trying to catch up on my writing.

On the flier it was stated, that we prepare a 1 minute monologue. So I added another one minute for each participants, so 2 minutes per person.

I had 133 persons before me, which gives me 266minutes. I would be waiting 4hours 30minutes. Fair enough. I decided to move closer and get a sit. And that was when I discovered most people were hanging around and standing. We weren't provided with chairs. The sun sexed our skins profusely. My legs hurt so much for being up all day. My 4hours 30minutes estimate became 8hours. I didn't audition until 6pm. My head ached from hunger.

It was a terrible experience. I endured till the end. I got back home 7pm. My nephew massaged my legs and feets while I devoured my food

I was so knackered I don't want to get up from my bed. It's morning already, I have another audition today and I am also championing the cleaning of our environment this morning. The gutter had been blocked since I moved back and no one was paying attention to it. I had to convince the youths in the compound and we all decided to work on it this morning. But my whole body still aches from yesterday suffering. I will have to manage and get the cleaning done.

PS: When I become famous I am gonna write a book titled "I paid my fucking dues" but for now get me a bucket to weep in😭

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