Excitement Long Lasts?


Starting Point always gives the essence of New Enthusiasm and New Excitement but the most important question is, Excitement Long Lasts? This is situational question (may be not). Excitement and Enthusiasm are just a feel.

Some feelings Transforms like a Swing Of The Wind. I don't know in the Terms Of Calculations but in my opinion our Thoughts 💭 run like the Speed Of Light. When something moves so fast then it misses long lasting aspect in my opinion.

Many people feels Boredom all the time ⌚ because they experience same things over and over, day in and day out. In some peoples life new Adventures brings up new Light Of Excitement and with that new energy to continue their life path more Enthusiastically.

But every Adventure is good, it's not fixed at all. Some Adventures creates or brings those experiences which we never wanted to experience or in a way which becomes a Nightmare. And Nightmares Travel a long journey.


New Buzz in the Market becomes the new Close Up aspect and everyone showcase interest towards this Buzz and in my opinion sometimes behind that Buzz huge amount of Fundsare invested and then it becomes a trend and lot of Eyeballs 👀 catch this Buzz.

In this World 🗺 Of Social Media sometimes unwanted stuff becomes a Trending aspect and everyone follows it and then it becomes a mess. Sometimes in my opinion Technology is used for the Mind Controlling to deceive masses.

This World faced many battles and in my opinion now we are in the Highly Technological Battles and i think that Humanity is kept in the Darkness and few holding the keys of Powerful Secrets and who knows misuse of it will going to bring which kind of disaster on this Planet 🌏.

Now times changed very Drastically and Rapidly. Before aspects which were discussed in closed doors, on those kind of topics now TV 📺 and Web Series are coming. In a way aspects of Division and Negativity is heavily Promoted.


We are in the Journey of Comparison and continuous Judgements. When we are talking about the Judgements it includes both Judgement Towards Others and Self Judgements, in a way it spreads and grows Unpleasantness.

So in this Era Of Comparison and Judgements every Start and Exciting Journey can turn into Unpleasant Journey because in a way we live life to show how better we are than others instead moving ahead collectively without any Comparison and Judgements.

In this Materialistic World 🗺 many want Instant Gratification and we all know it's difficult and that's why most of the times people live in Disappointing Phase and they blame themselves for everything instead of understanding the nature of life.

It not matters Excitement long lasts or no but one thing is for sure, and that is, lessons which we pursue through different levels of Life Experiences will stay with us forever and these experiences will going to remind us Time to Time ⌚ which mindset is important in life.

Steem On.


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(Pictures are edited with the Canva application).

"This is my original and opinionated work."

Stay Blessed.

Spread love and spread kindness.

Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda


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