[Vampire_Family - part ---3] An exceptional story

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{Vampire_family part...3}

"The vampires were calling you Charles over and over again," said Anisha in a serious tone. Then, thinking of something, he turned around and looked at the back of the cave.
Meanwhile, Neil was a little upset to hear the name Charles.
“I have never heard this name before! How did the vampires call me Charles? ”Neil asked himself. He did not get an answer by conscience.
“Look at this! There are innumerable footprints inside the cave. ”Anisha said looking at the ground of the cave.
Blue leaned back and looked at the ground.
"Looking at the footprints, it looks like some vampires are coming out of the cave. Does that mean the vampires came from deep in the cave? "
"Isn't there more vampires in the deep then?" Anisha asked. He looked up with a blue face. Using his ability to see in the dark, he looked at the back of the cave.
"There are two long, narrow paths in the back," said Neel.
The rabbi looked behind the cave and saw nothing but darkness. Out of curiosity, he asked Neel, ‘Dude, I can see nothing but pitch darkness. How do you see it? '
Neil said to the rabbi, ‘Alas! You are fat. 'The rabbi did not reply. He walked slowly and sat down next to the sky. He shook Akash's shoulder a few times.
"Akash ..!" Rabbi shouted to Akash. Slowly the sky matched the eyes.
“Where am I! Why is it so dark? ”The sky rose.
Neil addressed the rabbi and said, ‘You go back home. And keep the secret you saw today. Otherwise we will all be in danger. '
Akash wanted to say something. But seeing Neel, the sound is not coming out of his throat for fear. The rabbi pulled the sky and made it stand.
“Let's go to the sky! I'll tell you everything later. Get out of here now. ”The rabbi took Akash for a walk. Neel and Anisha started following them for safety. The jungle is silent again, observing silence.
After a while, they crossed the jungle and reached the locality. Rabbi and Akash went to their respective homes. And Neel and Anisha went back to the forest. It is dawn. They have to go around the whole jungle quickly.
After wandering in the jungle for a while, they did not find any vampire. At one point, in a corner of the forest, they saw a broken house. A car in front of the house. Police car!
Neil said, "Aren't the vampire police here?"
Carefully, the two entered the house. Old-fashioned furniture broken inside the house. One by one they entered every room of the blue house. No! There are no vampires.

They left the house. As he walked away from the house, he noticed a long shadow on the blue ground. The sky on this side is clear. In the light of the moon, a long shadow of a human figure has been created. Neel turned around and looked at the roof of the house and saw the police vampire standing. Just looking at him.
Neil immediately took the form of a vampire and tried to kill the man. But as soon as he went in front of the blue man, the man said, "I don't want to get into an argument with you."
The blue stopped.
“Why are you doing all this? Why are you drinking the blood of innocent people? ’Neel asked.
“Innocent? Why don't you humans eat the flesh of other animals? If you can eat the flesh of other animals, why can't we eat your blood? If we want to survive, we have to drink human blood. The law of nature! ”Said the man.
Anisha came and stood beside Neel. He said, ‘You are not a creature of this nature. We went inside the cave. You have come from the depths of the cave. Maybe you have a city of your own under the ground. Crowds of people have fled from there. '
The man stared at Anisha for a while. He smiled softly.
The man brought her to a room inside the house.
“Sit down, you guys. That's all! "
Then the man began to say, ‘I have never tasted human blood. Neither I nor my compatriots are doing any harm to your human city. We drink the blood of wild animals. A black vampire is rampant in your city. '
"Black vampire?" Neil said looking at the man questioningly.
“There are two species of vampires. Black vampires are also cursed. They are basically very violent! Intoxicated to taste the blood. And we are vampires of a different race. We can walk around swearing in the light. And very little blood is needed. But black vampires can survive in the dark. Their main food is blood! They drink a lot of blood. As a result, they are many times stronger than we are. Neil, a black vampire attacks you. I arrived late at the scene. By then the black vampire was drinking your blood. Seeing me, the vampire left you and ran away. Then your father came to the roof and I fled the scene. "
"Did that black vampire kill the police officer?" Anisha asked.
The man looked at Anisha and smiled with his yellow teeth. And said, ‘You girl are very intelligent. Always make the right guess. Yes, the police officer was killed by a black vampire. Since I look like a police officer, I take the place of a police officer. People will be terrified when the news comes out that a blood-sucking animal has killed a police officer. '
"So you and your fellow vampires came to the human world to catch that black vampire?" Neil asked.
“No! That black vampire has come to kill me and my family, ”said the man in a serious voice.
"I mean!" Said Anisha in a vague voice.
“Weak vampires like me and others have fled our kingdom and come to earth. The head of state sends that black vampire behind us to catch me. Since we will be the majority during the battle with the majority Black Vampire. Meanwhile, the black vampire has gone insane by smelling human blood. He is drinking human blood one by one. You can say it is threatening us! So we go back to the world of vampires. When we return, he will return to the world of vampires. "
Neel and Anisha sat together asking questions. Neil asked, ‘Why did you escape from the vampire kingdom?’ And Anisha asked, ‘Who is Charles? Why did your gay vampires call Neil Charles? '
“Wait! I will answer all the questions, ”said the man.
Then the man began to speak.
“Charles is the previous king of our vampire kingdom. Then there was happiness and peace in our kingdom. My ordinary vampires were in power. We are outnumbered by black vampires. King Charles also set aside space for black vampires. King Charles was a mighty warrior! Black vampires trembled when they saw him. Everything was going well. After some time there was a dispute in the royal palace. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. But a few days later, one day, black vampire leaders suddenly attacked the royal palace. Charles was never seen again after that day. Black vampires seized power. Then they enslaved us! Many, including me, are reluctant to accept slavery. Although I accepted slavery for some time, I took the opportunity and ran away. Learn about this cave, learn about the human world. Black vampires are not yet aware of the human world. Once you know, you won't be able to taste the blood. "
Neil said in an unequivocal voice, ‘Right now you leave our world and go back to your own world. If you stay here, our human world will be threatened! '
The man smiled one cheek.
"When we go back, the black vampire will go with us. The entire black vampire race will be aware of the path to the human world. Moreover, if we return, we will be severely punished. Maybe one of us can tell about the human world for the sake of liberation. "
Blue shook his head.
"But there is a way. I need your help, ”said the man in a serious tone.
“We forgot the way we got inside the cave because of the hurry. It is better if you help to find the right path. Homosexuals and I will go to the vampire kingdom and mingle with ordinary vampires. No one will understand that we are back. And you punished the black vampire in town, didn't you? "
Neel stopped to say something. He thought something quietly.
Suddenly Neel became violent and attacked the man at a fast pace. He punched the man hard in the chest.
Quick blue shouted, ‘This is that black vampire. We are being deceived. '
The man came quickly and bit Neel's hand. Neel cried out in pain. Anisha ran and pushed the man. The man broke the window of the room and fell out.
Neel and Anisha quickly fluttered their wings and walked to a safe distance.
"How do you know it's a black vampire?" Anisha asked.
Neil pressed the wound to his hand and said, ‘If he had been a good vampire in general, the rest of the vampires would have stayed in that house with him. But that side of the forest is completely silent. Moreover, when the man said that when the black vampire attacked, the man was present on the roof and saw. But you just saw a vampire behind me, didn't you? Besides, the murder of a police officer? How is the man present in all the murder cases? Black vampire will not do any harm to understand? It's all a coincidence! '
Meanwhile, Neel's wound healed in the middle of their conversation.
Anisha said, "Then what is the purpose of the man?"
"The man said he did not know the way to the cave. I wish I could help him find the right path. If you go the wrong way inside the cave, you may not be able to come back. So the man asked us for help. Also, if the person knows the right way, he will go straight to the vampire kingdom and inform the black vampire about the world. "
"How did you catch so much in a moment?" Anisha asked.
“The man was oiling you at that rate! Moreover, the man was talking slowly. It takes time to lie. Moreover, there was no sign of pain in the man. And another thing makes me think. The man is the only vampire that can stay in the locality during the day. This means that everyone except him is an ordinary vampire. In the middle, he once said, "Black vampires are stronger." Neil said in a serious voice.
Meanwhile, it is dawn. The lights are on all around. Neel and Anisha went to their respective homes. If they stay out for a long time, the old people who wake up in the morning will see them. Then another notoriety will spread in their name in the area.
In the afternoon
Rabbi and Akash come and come out with Neel. Then they started walking with Neel. No one exchanged words with anyone along the way. Rabbi and Akash came to the open field and stopped.
The rabbi asked Neil, ‘Are you a born vampire? ’
"Of course not!" Said Neel.
"Then how did you become a vampire?" Akash asked.
Neil opened everything with a sigh. Besides, he also told the story of last night.
Akash waved his hand in surprise and said, "I made poor Anisha a vampire with Vampire Holly myself."
Neil is trying to see something by looking at the opposite side of the field without listening to their words.
"Where are you looking at Kiri?" The rabbi asked Neel.
Blue gestured to the opposite side of the field and said, "Isn't that Anisha?"
Akash and Rabbi looked at him together and said, "It seems so."
"Why are those two boys following him?" It seems to be saying something. "
Akash shook his head and said, "Looking at Anisha's posture, it seems that the boys are harassing her."

Then the three of them went to the opposite side of the field. And seized the boys and beat them severely.
"Even if I didn't kill the boys!" Anisha said to Neel as she walked.
“Where did I hit? Maral is Rabbi and Akash. And if I didn't catch the boys, you would get angry and drink their blood. "
“Not at all! I saw who killed whom. You came and killed the boys with your vampire power. The rabbi and Akash just watched in silence! "
Neel laughed a little and said, ‘Hand in hand, side by side!’
Anisha looked at him curiously and said, "What do you mean?"
He said looking down with blue eye gestures. Anisha leaned her head down and looked at her hands and feet. At first I didn't understand anything. After a while he realized what that meant ...
The black vampire is lying in a corner of the broken house. He nodded and said, ‘Blue, getting stronger day by day. The power of the human and the black vampire together is making him intelligent and powerful. I have to go back to the vampire kingdom anyway. ’
The man got up and tried to sit up. But failed. She has severe chest pain.
“I see that there is a strong emphasis on the body. My chest is that! ”He paused. He raised his ears and sat in silence.
"Innumerable human footsteps!" The man growled.
A police jeep stopped in front of the broken house. A new police officer and some assistant police officers got out of the jeep. They all entered the house together. Guns in everyone's hands!
Meanwhile, the black vampire lying at the back of the house is scared. The light of day is still there. It's too late in the evening! Its power is very low under the influence of light. Like ordinary people! Moonlight is needed to heal wounds on your chest. Which currently does not exist! Once he is caught in the eyes of the police!

The Black Vampire rose to prominence. Walking slowly, he started walking towards the dense forest.



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