The Angels of Death

The theory of how people may be forced to breed for the health of the larger population is known as Eugenics. Eugenics had been a very popular movement in such countries as the US, England, Japan, Scandinavia and other parts of Europe in the early part of the last century.

There were family members of mine who lived in that time. Uncles, Aunts, Parents and Grandparents. It is not that ancient of a history. It is within living memory of some of the elders of our population.

There were laws in Virginia, in the 1930's, that sanctioned sterilization of people, under certain circumstances, without their consent. The Nazis based their 1933 sterilization law after that US law. Of course they went on to take it to new heights, yet my point is they simply built upon a principle.

When Eugenics was in full swing in Germany, in the early 30's, much of the killings of the mentally handicapped and crippled children were done by nurses on the orders of Doctors. One wonders how a modern civilization with one of the best medical professions in the world, at that time, could slowly go down such a dark path.

With mercy killing now legal in many western nations, including my own, there may be no better time to consider such a question.

The following video explores these matters; tracing the baby steps that the German medical profession took from simple mercy killings to eventually ending up with such monsters as The Angel of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele.

In these times of authoritative measures over health concerns, it may do well to have a look back at what history might teach us about these matters.

Without further adieu allow me to present...

CARING CORRUPTED - The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich

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