EtherStocks is Now on Twitter and it Needs Followers!


Here is the screenshot for the official Market Cap of COFFEE before my deposit. As you can see the winning number is .6399 . @justdik wins the Free Gen-3 CryptoKitty with a guess of .742. Good Job! I'm really surprised more of you didn't buy COFFEE before the Devs did. We only have a couple more stocks that will be featured at launch, so stay tuned and this time believe me when I say, we will deposit, and you will make DIVIDENDS! Remember to use the fully working old site until we launch

EtherStocks is now on Twitter

Big thanks to @doublejump who helped us set up some social media accounts. Its time to get some twitter followers for EtherStocks! I will be giving away a Gen-3 CryptoKitty to one lucky person that follows @EtherStocks on twitter and sends a tweet out. Make sure you mention @EtherStocks in your tweet. If possible tweet something about how we are about to launch soon. Then just upvote and comment with a link to your tweet and your CryptoKittles Litter Address.

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