Celebrate 420 with a 100% Upvote and Dividends From EtherStocks.net

Buy of the Day

The Buy of the Day on EtherStocks.net is 420 IND. We are celebrating the upcoming holiday by making this un-featured stock the Buy of the Day. The Buy of the Day is a way to play EtherStocks.net and guarantee you won't get burned or dumped on. The whole community comes together and focuses on 1 featured stock. 420 IND stock has already gone up in value in anticipation of the festivities. I personally will be making buys for the next 16 hours. Feel free to ask any questions on our Discord https://discord.gg/Q5TWqe6

Twitter Upvote Exchange

Get some Free SBD and to help EtherStocks.net get some exposure on Twitter. The tweet also has a contest itself, so you can get 2 for the price of one. So I will trade you a RT and like on Twitter for up to 100% upvote on Steemit. So here is what you have to do:

  1. Follow EtherStocks on twitter https://twitter.com/EtherStocks
  2. Like and RT Our Tweet
  3. Follow, Upovote and Resteem this post
  4. Comment this post with your Twitter Feed Link
    I will give:
    100% upvote to the first 5 entries
    50% upvote to the next 10 entries
    25% upvote to the next 20 entries
    10% upvote to the last 40 entries

So get in early and get my MAX 100% Upvote!

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EtherStocks Twitter: https://twitter.com/EtherStocks

EtherStocks Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/EtherStocks/

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