MyEtherWallet now Supports Sending Any Ethereum Token (ERC-20) — also learn about our future plans

New Update From the Developers over at

MyEtherWallet now Supports Sending Any Ethereum Token (ERC-20) — also learn about our future plans

Sending Tokens

We at MyEtherWallet just added the single most requested features: Sending any Ethereum token on the network via a super simple GUI. This is now live on and the Chrome Extension. Any token that is built on the ERC-20 spec is now supported and — yes — you can add your own super special token.

By default (meaning you don’t have to do anything besides click a single radio button) we currently support viewing the balance and sending of:

  • DAO
  • DGD
  • MKR
  • Unicorns

Sending Token Interface:

But, by clicking the “Custom” radio button, you have the ability to add any custom token on the network by inputting the Address of the token, the Token Symbol (what you want it to be referred to as), and the number of decimals. If you have ever added a Watch Token to Mist, these items will be familiar to you.

Adding a Custom Token:

The real magic happens once you add this custom token. Like Mist, you can now send it to any address and you can also view the balance of the token in the sidebar. However, unlike everything else on MyEtherWallet, the address of the token, token symbol, and decimals will be saved in you and remain there when you return to MyEtherWallet later. That way, you don’t have to re-add tokens each time.

Custom Token Added

We plan on supporting DGX and DAI and REP when they are ready. We are open to adding any other commonly used token as a default so that you don’t have to track down the address / decimals. Just shoot us an email, comment here, or reach out to us on twitter and let us know what tokens you use most.


We rearranged and re-named the navigation to make it clearer and more simple. Now you will only Withdraw DAO using the old DAO tab and claim DGD at the old Digix tab. All token transactions will occur on the Send Tokens page.

You can also now view all your token balances on the Send Tokens tab and View Wallet Info tab.

The Future

As some of you know, /u/kvhnuke and I are in Switzerland right now partying it up. And by partying, I mean coding our brains out with some amazing people here. We have re-examined our goals and the future of MyEtherWallet and come up with the following list of items we want to accomplish.

Short Term

  • Set up MyEtherWallet to be translated. We have secured volunteers to translate Chinese, French, Korean, and some Russian. Please reach out to us if you have the ability to translate and feel like donating your services to a worthwhile cause. This will make MyEtherWallet significantly easier to use for our international community. A post will be made in the coming days on how you can contribute. We will make it easy.
  • Set Up MyEtherWallet to support BTC. You will have one private key to support both ETH & BTC, you can see both balances, will have two addresses, and can send both. As an added bonus, you will be able to exchange one for the other instantly without leaving MyEtherWallet. This is less for hardcore Bitcoin users or Bitcoin users who already have a favorite BTC wallet. Instead, it’s for Ethereum-focused folks who have some BTC they want to occasionally store, spend, or exchange without the need to have two separate wallets.
  • Support using a QR code to unlock your wallet from your browser / phone.
  • Support exchanging ETH / BTC -> EUR without leaving

Medium/Long Term

  • Launch Android and iPhone apps
  • Support exchanging ETH / BTC -> CHF without leaving
  • Support exchanging ETH / BTC -> USD without leaving
  • Support exchanging ETH / BTC / Tokens without leaving

Ethereum Classic

Updated post regarding those updates can be found here.

More discussion can be found on reddit here.

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