In recent times, cloud computing has fallen prey to poor data security, monopolization, privacy breaches, constant downtime and very steep costs.

This effectively ensures that smaller businesses cannot use these in improving their business processes and services offered to their clients and users.


IAGON is looking to revolutionize the cloud storage and web services sector. It develops and provides decentralized cloud computing services on the blockchain by making use of individuals unused CPU/GPU computing power and storage space, to create a super-computer that will allocate resources to where they are most needed.

By being decentralized IAGON will offer better security, seeing the blockchain uses a SHA256 algorithm. The use of personal computers to form a massive network also ensures that IAGON's services can be offered at a fraction of the cost that the bigger players such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft’s Azure offer them.


By encrypting data, IAGON ensures that only the user with the access key can have access to the data.

Users who take advantage of the opportunity to harness the idle resources of their personal computers will be rewarded using IAG tokens, which they can then go on to convert to fiat. Users will have the benefit of being able to make residual income, thanks to IAGON.

Access to computing power is in high demand, and those that can afford it have to pay over the top to have access to it, while smaller organizations with smaller budgets cannot afford such services.

Development teams need access to computing power in order to be able to process huge data volumes. If processing times are huge, then their development is hampered. When such teams do not have sufficient funds they cannot use regular services. But with IAGON's service being offered at a fraction of the cost, they are now able to process these big data at faster rates, in even more secure environments.

Companies as well will have the benefit of having access to more secure services that do not stand the risk of downtime, and use a number of technologies to protect users data.

Miners are also incentivized to process huge volumes of data in record time. The rewards miners receive are dependent on this. This will also encourage the practice of not manipulating data.

This ensures that when hackers have access to secure areas, slicing of distribution of data lake files, thanks to IAGON's freezing method prevents them from gaining access.

Data Lake technology is based on the implementation of a NoSQL central database.


IAGON's smart computing platform is based on advanced Artificial Intellivgence. It handles resource allocation. While the AI tracker is responsible for allocating resources where they might be needed. It also ensures that all abnormalities are taken care of, and it learns as it goes on, to work optimally and more efficiently. Node quality management is also a responsibility of the AI-tracker.


  • Services are offered at a fraction of the cost.
  • It’s more secure, compared to traditional solutions
  • No risk of blackouts/downtime
  • Machine learning ensures that its AI learns to improve itself and its processes.
  • More efficient
  • Rewards and empowers users.

IAGON will ensure that the cloud computing industry grows and changes positively, by giving the sector a breath of fresh air, seeing users that could not afford these services before now have an opportunity to enjoy its potentials. The steep prices put up by the top players will be forced to come down, seeing users will be migrating to IAGON's solution as a result of it being cheaper, more secure and having more added benefits.
This will lead to a more level playing field for all entrants, and the onboarding of new users will ensure that the industry will grow.


By accessing unused power/storage at a fraction of the cost, businesses will be the better for it, because their operational costs will reduce significantly, and they will be able to work more efficiently, seeing IAGON uses reinforced learning to know how to allocate resources more efficiently.
This will also ensure that such companies will be able to increase their usage to meet their needs as demand increases within the organisation, and they can also increase their budgets. In so doing, the AI and Big Data industries will receive a boost, and there will be a growth in revenue.

It will also promote learning and innovation within the AI and Big Data industries. Huge strides will be taken, and development will be able to move at an even faster pace.

Having a global super computer is the primary reason power/storage services can be offered at a fraction of the cost. Without it, services rendered by IAGON will be similar in costs to those offered by the top players. Having this also ensures that resources are best managed and redirected to where they are most needed, thanks in no small part to machine learning.

On the other hand, seeing this is a result of users pulling their resources together, it becomes an avenue for them to earn and be a part of something great.

Smaller development teams will also now be able to get the best services, while they were shut out before, because of unavailability of funds. This will lead to their rapid development, and the sectors afore mentioned as well.







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