Learn how to connect Ethereum to real IoT products! Participate in the first IoT/Ethereum summer camp!

Join our "IoT // Ethereum summer camp" in August, 2017 in Frankfurt (Germany) focusing on connecting Ethereum to real IoT products. We provide a secure IoT hardware chip and teach you coding and how to program it — you develop Ethereum smart contracts, connect real products to it and code a frontend. From a business model perspective, this can yield endless possibilities. Experts, lawyers and scholars — e.g. from well-known ConsenSys, Status.im or the international law firm Freshfields — will hold sessions to touch various facets of the intersection of IoT and blockchain. 


We have experts showing you how to connect Ethereum to IoT products and how to code with this IoT chip. Further, we organize multiple short lectures to inspire you, e.g. by lawyers, developers, industry experts. As an IT developer (45 pax), you develop a IoT/Ethereum prototype including the hardware ship, Ethereum smart codes and frontend interfaces. As a business developer (15 pax), you think of a business model and a clear product or service; you develop marketing material and a first version of a website; you might also talk to potential customers to get their opinion.

WHAT do we provide: 

We provide an IoT hardware chip: multiple I/O channels, secure communication, built-in private keys. You learn how to connect Ethereum to the IoT hardware chip. You learn how to program this IoT hardware chip. We provide a set of real products to be connected, e.g. a truck, a RFID reader, a 220V plug, a charging station for e-cars, a solar panel, a smart meter. You connect with others and for a team consisting of both developers and business people. You think of a business model based on hardware, software and smart contracts. Ideally at the end of the week, you have a working prototype, a website and a video to showcase your product. You present your product and your business model at the end of the week to the blockchain community in Frankfurt which we will invite to listen to you. 

WHO will contribute: 

We have fascinating lecturers for this week! Experts, lawyers and scholars will give sessions to highlight different facets of development in the blockchain area: ConsenSys, Status.im, Freshfields, Technische Universität München, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management etc. Rouven Heck, ConsenSys: Integrating uPort with Prototypes Carl Bennetts, Status.im: Integrating Chat Bots and IoT Dr. Khanh Dang Ngo, Simmons & Simmons LLP: Law and Code Daniel Grassinger, nexussquared: The Potential of DApps Jürgen Schaar, BlockchainFirst: Using Secure Hardware to Connect IoT Devices Oliver Naegele, Blockchain HELIX AG: Identity Management Dr. Max Danzmann, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer: Using IoT to Create new Financial Services Henri de Jong, Quantoz: Using Permission Blockchains for IoT — the Case of Qasar Dr. Andranik Tumasjan, Technische Universität München: How Will Blockchain Technology Change Organizations? Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management: Blockchain Applications in Developing Countries More to come... NEEDED requirements: IT developers: fundamental
knowledge of JavaScript, NodeJS, Ethereum Web3.js, passion for innovation, highly motivated Business developer: fascination for blockchain and IT, ideally entrepreneurship experience, passion for innovation, some marketing and design skills, highly motivated 


The regular fee is EUR 700, but we provide 45 stipends reducing the fee to EUR 100 -- feel free to apply! With a successful application we send you a voucher code you can then use for your registration. Please note that we cannot provide accommodation; you have to organize this yourself.



Sonnemannstraße 9-11, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Mo, 28.08.2017 um 09:00 Uhr



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