Xaurum becomes a new platform based on the Ethereum

Xaurum, second in value cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, which is secured by gold, is preparing for the second phase of its development.

The developers have prepared a new platform based on Ethereum, in connection with which to start preliminary distribution 18.07.2016 (Rebirth Initial Coinage Offer or RICO) new tokens XAUR in which everyone can take part. Funds raised during RICO, will be spent on the purchase of gold according to the algorithm generating Xaurum coins, and profits from the establishment (embossing) of the new token will be distributed between the RICO investors (chasers).

At the heart of cryptocurrency Xaurum are constantly increasing gold reserves of its community, providing reliable way to store funds, as well as such system functions of money as a tax for the right to mint coins, the flexibility of monetary and profitable inflation. Coin Xaurum at any time can be exchanged for gold (melt) or sell at the current rate (xaurum and gold).

The first phase Xaurum

Xaurum was launched with the value of 1 gram of gold for one coin, which for the year increased to 2.26 g, while the general condition Xaurum community has grown from 1 kg to 17 kg of gold. In dollar terms the price of coins has grown from $ 50 to $ 530 per year, which amounts to 226%. XAU Market capitalization increased from $ 88,000 to 3.866 million, allowing the coin to get into the top 30 cryptocurrency. Xaurum team also entered into an agreement with a company to clean gold NADIR to purchase and now Loomis for the safe and secure storage of gold reserves of their community.

Start of the second Xaurum phase

After securing some very important agreements agreements (with NADIR and Loomis companies), Xaurum ready to go to the second phase, as onovremenno high price coins and a small number of them (7,487 XAU) was inconvenient for selling coins on the exchange, which led to a decrease in market demand. As a result, it was decided to divide the coins (1 XAU = 8,000 XAUR) and organize RICO in order to increase the number of coins in the market, as well as the move from Blackcoin PoS technology to the platform smart konraktov Ethereum that developers believe the most advanced and flexible.

After one and a half years of continuous operation proof of share (POS), Xaurum goes on the platform of smart Ethereum contracts, which we, in spite of the problems associated with the incident TheDAO, considered the most reliable, modern and forward-looking,
  • Said representatives Xaurum

Thus the first precedent when the project moves from one platform to another, but there are no difficulties or problems at the same time not have to be created.

Important moments of transition:

  1. Xaurum PoS blockchain stop and will create a new smart Ethereum contract.
  2. All algorithms generate coins (minting) will be updated.
  3. Ticker Xaurum be changed from XAU to XAUR.
  4. All coins will be converted into XAU XAUR at 1 XAU = 8,000 XAUR.
  5. RICO will last for 12 days.
  6. During RICO chasing Xaurum will be open to all investors.
  7. The cost of minting coins will match the price of the coin during the RICO.
  8. Xaurum testing a new phase will last until the end of RICO and will be extended in case of emergency.
  9. Old blokcheyn will be replaced by a new one, but Xaurum team will provide its users with a grace period of 6 months to exchange XAU on XAUR.

Website: www.xaurum.org
the RICO and countdown: http://rico.xaurum.org/
the RICO ann : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? topic = 1546279.0
Official Annotation: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? 970586.0 = topic
[ANN] [the RICO] Xaurum the RICO (

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