2 Reasons Ethereum (ETH) Could Be The Future Of The Internet Is Decentralized


Ethereum (ETH) has become the dominant smart contract blockchain for several years. But in the last few months, we've seen the emergence of some other platforms which are all promising to take this market from Ethereum.

Their main selling point is always the scalability, and speed of transaction. This may create the impression that it will lose its dominating position of the Ethereum. However, a deeper analysis reveals that this is not as easy as many people want to believe.

In fact, in the next few years, Ethereum can really dominate the market platform, and become the backbone of the internet is decentralized. If you doubt it, take a look at some of the reasons that put the Ethereum far ahead of the Pack.

First, the Ethereum has Developer Network is great and growing. Currently, the Ethereum (ETH) has over 250,000 developers in its network, and that number is growing by the day. This is a benefit for the Ethereum because with a large number of developers, the number made on Dapps Ethereum blockchain also will continue to be high, and a large number of them are guaranteed to change the world. This success will attract more developers into the blockchain increasingly widen the scope of the Ethereum Ethereum Dapps space.

There are many platforms Dapps that may be faster and more scalable than the Ethereum (ETH) but without this feedback loop, it is impossible for them to Eclipse Ethereum. In fact, many will lack developers in the long run, and die from the market.

Just how the real world works. In many cases, it is domination, not an important technical advances in the market. Just as there are many companies that make small smartphone smartphone better than Apple and Samsung, but no one cares about them. The dominant position of both of these giants make sure that no one is going to buy another.

Second, most of the other platforms that market themselves as killers Ethereum also has drawbacks. Blockchain ecosystem so young so it would be naive to think that there is a perfect platform. If most of them are tested on the scale of the Ethereum, they will be destroyed.

The reason why the Ethereum seems to lag behind the rest is because it's frankly about its shortcomings. But the team is also very open about the Ethereum solution that they used to do, to resolve this problem.

For example, the team has been working on the Ethereum Sharding and Plasma as the two possible solutions to the problem of scalability and speed of transaction. Once this is implemented, Ethereum can easily kill the rest of the market platform. That's because it would resolve the issue they use as a selling point, and already has a market share.

In the next few years, the market platform could be 90% Ethereum NEO, 5%, while the rest of the remaining market share. It is not surprising if the Ethereum (ETH) is worth $3000 to the top in the near future.

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