ETH to EDU ~ Open Source Education


Centralized Education/Employment is Obsolete:

  • Businesses have flipped a huge bill for the recruitment of qualified potential employees, outsourced expensive corporate L&D operations toward training and certification of their current employees.
  • Students are limited from where they would be able to receive their education and from advertising their qualifications to employers based on many inhibiting factors including, geographical, political, social, or economic.
  • Academia has many issues to contend with also including, advertising their L&D programs to businesses and students, balancing costs of administration, and their capability to transfer credentials offered between other education programs.

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A Fair & Effective Approach:

No longer do the degrees of qualification occur exclusively under a middle-man standing over an educational institution nor an employer. We envision the World as Open Source not just in finance but also in employment, education, and the numerous professional facets of every day life.

Open Source University is a solution to these situations, where the problems of connectivity between multiple intermediaries will soon become an issue of the past:

"Open Source University shall be a distributed education and certification platform, operating on the public Ethereum blockchain. The platform distinguishes 3 main networks where business, learners and Academia will transparently collaborate."

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