Painful lesson for Ethereum community

Several weeks of heated debate lasted about what to do with DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organisation), which has become even more vulnerable because of attempts to get the money back without correcting code problems, which in turn made it impossible to prevent the re stealing money. Community Ethereum finally accepted the inevitable. DAO code has been returned to a point before the initial attack by "hard fork". Ethereum held its first rescue operation.

Most miners Ethereum agreed to it. Not surprising, because most of them have invested in the DAO, and this meant that they will return your money back. Ideologists, who were against the rescue operation on the grounds that it is fatally compromised "immutability" blokcheyna would never have won. Adoption of large losses for the "common good" that is the lot of the saints, which in these days is not so much.

It is also not surprising that the techno-geeks in are now praising his genius for the solution of the problem, they first established themselves and by running an unfinished code after inadequate inspection and testing. "What an achievement!" - Exclaims Christoph Jentzsch:

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