Are you suffering from dangerous diseases like heart disease, stroke and diabetes or want to stay safe in the future

Are you suffering from dangerous diseases like heart disease, stroke and diabetes or want to stay safe in the future?

Every day there are reports of heart disease and early death. One of our elders says that when the waist is 36 inches, start worrying and caution.

One of my acquaintances has to climb the fourth floor for office work. He said after reaching the fourth floor he breathes and breathes but when he is fasting he feels very light and does not breathe.

There are three very easy prescriptions to prevent heart disease.

Make it normal for you to fast 3 times per month. The fats in the foods we eat accumulate in our veins and arteries, which can lead to blood flow to the heart, called blockage. This obstruction causes cardiovascular, heart attack and even stroke.

One study has found that fasting eliminates grease and protects people from heart diseases. When a person is fasting, his stomach begins to dissolve the excess fat contained in the body, including fat contained in the blood vessels. This is how the grease in our veins naturally starts to dissipate.

Along with the worship of Allah, which some people find difficult to pay, they do not realize how beneficial and healthy these worships are to themselves. Resetting a mobile just as it has lightness and speed, like fasting Ramadan one month a year makes the whole body, including the liver, refreshed and new. Which eliminates the possibility of diseases. But the intention, the reward, and the willingness of the Divine in the worship of these worships must be kept. It will also reward and health will be good.

At present, our lifestyle is very inappropriate and food insecure. Therefore, it is beneficial to keep three days of fasting every month, not just one month a year, to be safe from the diseases. It was also usual for you to fast every month. The correct traditions in the Tirmidhi are that you used to fast on Monday and Thursday.

Today, modern research is also proving the usefulness of fasting. American experts have discovered that if a heart disease suffers from a 'habit' of intermittent intercourse, their heart health improves and their chances of developing heart failure are significantly lower. Let's go

According to research presented in the American Heart Association, even if a person makes it a routine to break up only once or twice a month throughout his life, his heart health is still very good and the risk of seizures is very low. Does.

Another study has been published in the journal "Cell Metabolism", in which Austrian clinicians say that if you want to maintain good health, skip one day and do a full break the next day.

Similarly, on the World Heart Day, many Pakistani heart disease experts say that heart diseases are the leading cause of human death in Pakistan, due to which people's diet, habits and lifestyle have become unhealthy.

The second thing to keep safe from diseases is jogging. One of our elders said that sweating while jogging is a real benefit because sweating is a sign of dissolving our body fat.

Jogging is about exercising our legs but what to do with the hands? People who work in the office and do no weight work and have no time to go to the gym. They should buy 2 small dumbbells at home and do a lightweight exercise whenever they find time. Perhaps following these suggestions will definitely help to cope with the illness.

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