Michael Peter Fomenko, the real Tarzan

Michael Peter Fomenko, the real Tarzan


There is a man named Michael Peter Fomenko, 84 years old, who has known to have lived like Tarzan for many years. Since being ostracized by society about 60 years ago, he was finally forced to live in the middle of the wilderness on the Australian mainland with an empty hand. Fomenko chose to inhabit the wild forest that lies between the Cape York location and the Ingham location, north of the Queensland region. People finally called him Tarzan. Fomenko actually is not from the usual male group, it is believed he used to be a Russian nobleman. Every day Fomenko walks and only wearing shorts that are shabby and dirty. He also carried a shabby sack on his shoulder. He also survives by killing crocodiles and hunting wild pigs in Australia's wilderness.

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