My love is like diarrhea


Whether because of prestige or fear, today there are lots of guys who choose to harbor feelings of love that they feel. Instead of telling him that he is loved, many guys choose to be silent without saying about their feelings. Even though he actually knows that harboring feelings is a painful thing. But somehow he still did it.

You have to know that harboring feelings will only make you lose. Also in vain if you hope he expresses his feelings first. Instead of being silent and not revealing, you better just say what you feel.

I don't know who made this rule, but in our beloved country, the guy who is obliged to start first. I don't know about everyday affairs, work, even relationship matters. Guys are always expected to be able to become a figure who starts everything. Even so by expressing love. As a guy, you have to take the initiative to express it first.

Stop saying that someday, the girl you like suddenly says that she loves you. In this country, this is very rare. Instead of chesting, you better gather the courage to say. Because you dare to express love, you also show your seriousness to him.

Everyone also knows that expressing feelings is a difficult thing to do. There is a sense of excitement, fear, curiosity, pleasure, hesitation and many other feelings mixed together before you express your feelings. In fact, not infrequently in the last seconds, people who are already willing to express love instead discourage him.

But you must know that expressing love is the absolute thing you have to do. Choosing to let and harbor it will only cause disappointment. In the end, harboring your love feelings will only make your love story end with regret.

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