The profit of playing guava

The profit of playing guava

Keeping in mind the taste, nutritional quality and health, there is a lot of benefits of playing guava. Guacamole can be kept in daily diet for health protection. It contains anti-oxidants, Vitamin C and Lycopene-which are very useful for health.
Paira has five special qualities, it is beneficial for diabetes, increases immunity, good for the eye, beneficial for the stomach and cancer-resistant.
To prevent diabetes: Playing regular guava reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Because the fiber that it contains, it can reduce the absorption of sugar in the body.

Disease prevention: The amount of Vitamin 'C' in paraara can prevent body disease by fighting against harmful bacteria and viruses when it is physically infected.

For the eyesight: Vitamin A, which is in paravera, enhances eyesight. Nightlife protects from diseases.

To prevent diarrhea: guava may fight against diarrhea. Therefore, due to regular guava, the risk of diarrhea will be reduced. Peacar has the ability to fight against bacteria.

Cancer resistant: Guava work in the prevention of cancer. Antioxidants, lycopenes, cancer cells can be resistant to this. Specifically, guava is beneficial for prostate cancer and breast cancer.

10 nutrients of peaar

  1. Vitamin 'C' is available in large quantities, which is a few times more than mangrove.
  2. Vitamin 'A' and Vitamin 'B' complexes are in para
  3. It contains enough beta carotene, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, folic acid and nicotrine acid.
  4. Guava guides a lot of work to control high blood pressure.
  5. It also maintains blood vessels and controls cholesterol. As a result, people with heart problems can eat guava.
  6. Guava is also quite beneficial for asthma, scurvy, obesity, diabetes and cancer.
  7. Complicated carbohydrates and fiber rich guava are helpful in keeping blood sugar levels under control.
  8. Potent antioxidant-rich guava leaves are useful in the problem of gastric gastricisis.
  9. Guava helps reduce weight and this fruit juice can cure stomach disorders including flux, cough, constipation and dysentery.
  10. Various diseases associated with age. For example, it helps to prevent dementia (Alzheimer's), cataracts, arthritis, and knee diseases.
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