June 1st. -2nd try at a post - maybe this will work -


Its 9 am Friday morning. We are heading to Wesley hospitol for the radiation treatment .. We just get on the 4 lane highway when we look over and nurse Steve is beside us doing 75 MPH. He must be running late for work. I told me son to catch him a pull along side. He not once looked over. I snapped 2 pictures and had my son pull back. I knew we had an apointment at the end of the day To go over this.

We got to Wesley for my 11 am apointment. I always get there at 1015 am. And they get me right away and we are done by 1045. This time it hit me a little harder. I can feel it in my right side and my head. Its a weird feeling, like you have no feeling . the more back to back treatments the worse it is. . So I am glad for weekend break. The recovery is swift. That gives me hope for a good recovery. Maybe not 100 % but anything is good.

10 months
Can you beleive this, 10 months. We started this journey in September. It was only to last 30-60 days. Here we stand. There are a lot of questions that Oncologist are having. Meds and procedures are being tweaked and analyzed. I am not up to speed on most of it. More and more people are being consulted and want parts of this.
I just started Immunotherapy again. The radiation and steriods counteract the Immunotherapy. They want to test how much effect it has. They also just reduced the steriods from 16 mg to 12 mg per day. I seem to be constantly resigning paperwork.
It is hard. Very hard. My heart breaks for all who go through this kind of thing. just a little easier for thoes who follow.

Primary Care
Everything in the VA was set up around PC. In order to get request done it takes referrals from PC. Since September I have bypassed them. The doctor is very good. The team staff sucks .
I spoke with the PC and we worked the procedures out. Now we will get together next week for a visit. Her staff is supposed to contact me on Thursday afternoon for a good apointment time and then schedule it.

Friday I send a message at 11 am inquiring about the apointment I do not have yet.
Saturday I received a message stating my apointment is fri 6/7 at 1030 am will that work

You were given and recorded the following appointments
Radiation treatments at Wesley hospitol from mon-fri , 10 am - 12 noon of that week in order to avoid any conflicts
Please explain how you could think that the appointment you just sent me can possibly work without canceling radiation treatment.
Looking forward to your explanation !

That was my response.
I will deal with this on monday. I have a few options and my goal is to make things work not cause havoc. I do ENJOY havoc. Hahahaha

Nurse Steve showers up for his appointment Friday afternoon
After a while when the vitals are done. I ask about when he goes to work and ease into the encounter this morning. He said he drove by my road or exit today. Thought about having a cup of coffee but knows that I am not sleeping.
I showed him the picture and said 75 mph and you thought about stopping at that speed. He remembered the car comming along side of him and was concerned and then it backed off. Hahaha
He is flooded where he lives along with damage.
He stayed for 2 hours. Just shooting the shit. Well along with the medical side.

Friday was a nice day , TGIF

I enjoyed writing this up . It is way better then the one deleted. Better sentence structure. A little better organized thought process. Let me know on that because that tells me about the Neurological damage To the brain .


Just because cancer is brought into your home do not panic. It can be OK if you takes the right steps. Do not over react . Do what is right for you, not what you think you should do because of someone else.

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