

Hi this is my first post to steemit.

Do you love to ride a train? Trains are the most comfortable transportation for poor basic humans.
But in our region, trains are awesome and can give some pleasure to all of us.

In our region, Railway side views are so beautiful and green. We can see Green Trees, Grass, and Green rice crops. Cows are eating grass and farmers also working in crops too. In some place Children playing with kite happily.


When they saw the people on the train, they shouting Hello loudly to all of us with laughing faces. And they shaking their hand in the wind to showing their love to us. This feeling is really good to me and everybody can also feel this. Really cool.

The traditional trains have windows and the fresh wind come from Green trees. Touching our bodies and make us feel fresh in our mind.

The views are really beautiful that we can see blue sky, white clouds, flying birds, green mountains, trees, grass, paddy crops, cows, farmers and children.

If you like to write a poem, come to our region and go for riding train . You will got a fresh story about your poem.


Thank you everyone and please follow and upvote me.
I really want to success in steemit and pls kindly show me your love.

Written by Your Friendly,

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