Good or Bad, Who knows?


Hi all steemians, have a nice day.

Today, I want to write about good and bad. Hope you will interesting in my heading.

Well, From long long ago to today, People saying that there is two different opposite things in this world.
They are
(1) Good things and
(2) Bad things.

How they determined an object which is bad or good?
They have many different reasons that they saying a thing is good. And bad also.

But the truth is just Simple.
People have their favorite things and they called them good things. In opposite side, People have their un-favorite things (dislike things) and also called them bad things.

So, Which is the truth?


Different people like different things and they calling them good things.
And also they dislike different things and they calling them bad things too.

How to measure a thing is really good or bad?
If someone like a thing, but another don't like it and how to call that thing, good or bad?

And Sometime a bad thing can become good thing when time is over and over for years.
The truth is always changing and it depends on the human's philosophies.

So, We have to be fair and we shouldn't call a thing that we don't like is a bad thing. And good things too.
We should only called them a thing we like or dislike.

Please follow me and upvote if you like my posts, and also want to apologize you for my bad english.
Thank You for reading. <3


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