the benefits of dragon fruit for your body's health.


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Dragon fruit is a fruit that comes from the Americas or precisely in Mexico. This fruit is included in the cactus category because the tree is almost similar. Indonesians are very fond of this fruit not only because of its sensational form and taste but this fruit has a million benefits for health. Especially for those of you who have suffered a fairly dangerous disease. Here are some benefits of dragon fruit for your body's health :

1. Helps to lose weight.


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Filling the stomach with foods rich in fiber and low calories the dragon fruit will make your stomach continues to feel full without fear of weight gain.

2. Able to prevent cancer.


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Just like any other red fruit, dragon fruit contains lycopene. Lycopene, which is responsible for the provision of red in dragon fruit, has been shown to lower the risk of prostate cancer.

3. Able to prevent diabetes.


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This antioxidant properties also serves to prevent the occurrence of diabetes mellitus because it can kill the bad cells that are usually produced by the pattern of life and an unhealthy diet. Dragon fruit is also safe for diabetics because of its very small sugar content.

4. Helps digestive problems.


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To cleanse your digestion, eat dragon fruit. High fiber or fiber content can help digestion and treat constipation or constipation. By eating the meat that also contains good protein, can make your body healthy and fresh.

5. Increase your appetite.


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Dragon fruit can also increase appetite because in this fruit contains vitamin B2 and B1 are believed to increase appetite, especially for children.

6. Overcoming difficult bowel movements or constipation.


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Difficult to defecate and constipation? Very annoying, right? Then try to overcome them by using dragon fruit. Simply consumed regularly, the dragon fruit rich in fiber content also has a high water content is ideal for eating by people who are hard bowel or suffering from constipation.

7. Eliminate Acne.


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One of the most dominant dragon fruit contains vitamins. Vitamins are beneficial for skin health. One of them to remove acne on facial skin. So for those of you who have acne problems, please use a mask from dragon fruit to remove acne.

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