Nothing can be better for me than to gather at the family table, talk and joke

Hello dear eSteemians!

My family is the most important thing for me. I can not imagine my life without wife, daughters and a little grandson. We have a special connection. We call each other a lot of times a day and I never get tired of my close people. We discuss problems altogether and share the latest news. Nothing can be better for me than to gather at the family table, talk and joke. If I fall ill, my family is always ready to help me. Our hobbies are the same too. We all enjoy gardening and it is our biggest passion. Even my little grandson Kirill helps me to water flowers and vegetables. We go there every weekend, work on the ground and after work sit on the porch, enjoy the view of beautiful flowers around and talk. Life is great dear eSteemians and it is even better when your close people are next to you.

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