Life is great at any age so let`s appreciate every moment of it!

Hello dear eSteemians!

I am so happy that I am on pension now and have so much free time. When I was younger I was afraid of this period. I thought that the pension was the end of my life but now I see that there are pluses at any age. I have much more time to devote to my little grandson and hobby. As you know, gardening is my biggest passion and now I have a plenty of time that I devote to my favourite hobby. I can go to my country-house every day and grow my favourite fruit and vegetables there. I also have a lot of opportunities to spend time with my little grandson Kirill who is always happy when we go for walks or to the zoo. So do not be upset dear friends and do not think that if you are not young, your life will be terrible and boring. Life is great at any age so let`s appreciate every moment of it!

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