Tradition in kutacane



Tradition of Alas customary community is done for generations, namely before the circumcision (cut off the tip of the penis), the boy in the arak wearing horses, the people of Southeast Aceh called the Security. This safeguarding is done regardless of social status. Before the tradition of this pamamanan done boys who want in circumcision must wear hinai and invited guests also wear hinai.



The activity of the arak wearing horses was done the next day. Tradition custom here a boy before in circumcision is required to ride a horse. The process before the boy goes to his home is 3 Kilometers, approximately twenty horses are collected, two horses are specially decorated for the boy to be circumcised, the rest of the other horses are in use for the guests who attend the event circumcision.



Guests who come from afar are required to ride horses by wearing customary Alas people.



The evening was held in Khanduri and there was a chant of music and chants of dangdut songs, pop and other songs sung by the arriving guests, depicting unfathomable festivities.

The process of circumcision The new boy is done in the evening by bringing a doctor to circumcise the child.

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