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FBI rolls out new attack adjoin advertisement affected threats: 'Think Before You Post'


The FBI formed out a new accessible account advertisement on Wednesday alleged “Think Before You Post" in the achievement that humans stop authoritative hoax threats in the deathwatch of tragedies such as the contempo academy cutting in Santa Fe, Texas or the cutting in Parkland, Florida. The FBI accent the abeyant consequences, citation the case of a 22-year-old Texas man just appear from three years in bastille for application affected email accounts, Twitter accounts and internet-based buzz accounts to accomplish hoax threats in Minnesota, including aggressive to annihilate a badge administrator and her family. Officials aswell acicular to a North Carolina man accepted as "Tyrone" on the internet who, at 18, becoming himself two years in bastille afterwards recording himself staging bomb threats to colleges and FBI offices about the country in 2008 and 2009. “The Department of Justice will investigate and arraign academy cutting threats on amusing media platforms, which accept afresh advance like bonfire in the District of New Mexico in the deathwatch of the Parkland shootings and added tragedies, causing abhorrence and affair in our communities,” said U.S. Attorney John Anderson in a account release.

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