S.A.M. My Fluid Art Paintings + Contest! PRIZE 5 STEEM!

My Fluid Art Paintings + Contest!

I've been doing a bit of dabbling in my spare time and thought I'd share some of my latest Fluid Art/Abstracts with you. The process of painting and creating unique works of art is always challenging but also stimulating but what I find most difficult, is coming up with a suitable title for my art, so I am asking for help.

My last fluid art painting is nameless, because a suitable title eludes me. So, I am offering 5 STEEM for the best title so that I can make it a sale-able item in my website. This will be sent after the 7 day payout period.

I am entering this post into the #sam-saturday 'Something About Me' challenge organized by my friend @bluemoon

I never know quite what I am going to produce when working with pouring paint because as you can imagine, many things come into play. Such as gravity, the consistency of the paint, the level of humidity in the air and how much I tilt the canvas in order to achieve the desired result.

Some paintings turn out nothing like what I originally intended. Like this one below. This was an accident. I accidentally used a base coat which had silicone in it which caused the paint to separate. I was really disappointed to see the fissures appear as the paint dried.

But then John came along and raved over it saying that it was "One of his favourites." I took another look and could see what he saw. A rich blend of colour with accentuated textures which actually gave it a very artistic and contemporary finish.

I have called this art, "Drifting Apart."


This piece was much less of a problem to come up with a title because the blob in the center reminded me of a brain. So I called this, "Mind over Matter." I like how the colours merge into separate cells.


In fact, I like it so much I wondered how it would look in different colours so I changed them from the original painting above and turned the picture up the other way.....just for fun!


This painting reminded me of a waterfall rushing down from an unseen source above so I called it, "Aqua Falls."


The movement of the paint flows in one main direction with this creation so I called it, "Going With The Flow."


But this one below was more of challenge. Perhaps you can come up with something more imaginative than what I can and I'd really appreciate seeing your suggestions.


If you'd like to view more of my art feel free to browse my website: here:



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