Kangaroo animal jumping


kangaroo animals are funny when jumping
Did you know, a kangaroo can reach a distance of up to 8 meters once jump.

  Who does not know kangaroos Besides Koalas, Kangaroos are also typical Australian mammals.

What is its specialty,
kangaroos have a privilege in its ability to jump far.
Well, how the hell of this long jump ability can be owned Kangur.

Australia's large, wide-area state means that animals, including kangaroos, are required to have the ability to reach remote locations quickly to get food and water to live. nah, environmental reasons are balanced with the physical state of kangaroos that are able to jump far. Kangaroos can jump as far as 8 meters (5 feet) with a single jump, even kangaroos can reach a distance of more than 50 kilometers per hour.

The secret is the big and strong hind legs. back leg muscles are very strong and elastic.
At each leap, the back leg muscles will store energy ready for the next jump.
This power is also supported by both hind legs that are only able to work together, so that when jumping both leg muscles pushed the kangaroo body back to reach a great distance.

In addition to both hind legs, the kangaroo jump is also aided by its tail as a counterweight.
At the time of jumping, the tail of a kangaroo is swung like moving his hind legs so there is movement or momentum gained.
So when the kangaroo's hind legs are stretched out, the tail will go down too, as well as when the rear leg is pushed forward, its tail will be lifted into the air.

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