everybody struggles in their respective lives, there are happy and some unhappy, people race to seek happiness in this world, but there are those who get pseudo happiness and not eternal happiness

is it happy?

happiness is dissolved in the feeling itself and it creates a sense of comfort within

how to get that happy?

to get happy must be back to ourselves because the location of happiness lies within ourselves that is right at the end of the heart of the heart that regulates the sense in which the sense will eventually be connected at the end of the heart itself is the mind, the mind contained therein a sense that's what makes the body raga feel fresh, peaceful, comfortable, and ahkirnya will definitely get happiness itself


how in life can we enjoy that happiness?

to truly enjoy happiness in this life, to be happy or unhappy it depends on us how to respond to this life, with the conscious self-control in consciousness itself will make it easier for us to manage the happiness within ourselves, so be yourself then you will find true happiness

may all beings in the universe get real happiness

hehehe ... Thanks for You

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