


In a country the age of the reign of a king
Of a lost generation of Royal. Royal /
King of the next generation as well as to foreign ရွေား Rachel.
One day the king in the assembly elected the new King
The method is presented. Very satisfied.
To select a new generation King Mu choose to arrange the Royal March
How to agree.
One week later, the king will Votes choose a new king.
King before taking the end of the end of all dishes will be planted
Royal can be planted in the king of the full week will be about.
The newly planted his match brought the seedlings
I will order again, just three days at the end of it.
Choose a full week matches of the young seedlings planted
Lining up to bring you all the time. King has been planted
Check garden pot plant almost every time.
Although they brought in a final Commission treated the seedlings.
The king is a strange thought. The seedlings have been planted
Watering right to tell grown fed manure, but will not recover too.
The king said to the ears of all as soon as possible.
Just when he is already cooked, so how seeds
Nathan can not say this person tell you the truth, not lie.
He depressed because he was the king of the next generation
Has been selected, said there is a proud boast
. The man put a hand on the country had been confidently
Broadcast time.


They pretended to want a lot of people.Some people think that they
I think the same people are much easier to lie.

Take me to draw our moral is our goal
Will draw into the body of the morally good. Take
If you lose moral will be taken to the drawing.

Today it can be the right thing and the next thing wrong today
I think things can be true tomorrow

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