Greed story



A trader from the city of Delhi had round.
Each time I return to trade out valuable back
There had been carrying a precious half of these gems.
Hide the box to enter a series nightfall.
Porter defeated, he becomes just one large tent. 0
But the gems are not lost.
The sport continued detention.

       One night, the people in his tent.Punch Tabernacle burns. Proverbs weep bitterly. Surrounded by stand

Asks a marvel.
"Consume such a large tent so sad"
Here a gem of a way to get back
Merchant tells him about a treasure.
The physician told his rule.
Issued carry the sound and put the pile "I can if I want
I'll give you all the rest I really littered Le ...?
Jewelry longer visible to put out the fire from other merchants
He agreed to no longer an option.
Place a shipping container in addition to pull it.
Down to earth fallen ashes of the whole House.
I know Jesse former sound.
. All stones are not to enter the ark.
The physician then picks up a return
merchant king to complain to the King.
Pan asked.
"The actual need Lei"
"Incorporate jewelry traders sent the actual boxes
Finally, the "longer want to give"
As workers said traders treasures return
Out of the air.


Clearly my words, can be victims of a double meaning.

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