Coffee story



Expensive special cup of coffee
Kopi coffee, Indonesia Luwak Civet cats MANs. If you visit called a civet. Civet coffee makers. Regular price than coffee prices 10 times larger than the world's most expensive coffee known. A cup of coffee from US $ 30 up to around $ 100 0 here .🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

    This coffee to Indonesia, The Philippines and Vietnam have developed. Kopi Luwak, Indonesia Philippine Civet Coffee and Vietnam respectively. In the history of this coffee at the beginning of 18th century Indonesia was a Dutch colony. The Dutch are Yemen Arab legislature coffee Indonesia's Java and Sumatra were grown commercially. However, local farmers grow Agriculture backgrounds coffee did not taste completely. As being able to plant food.

Although they eat for fear of being punished they have not yet been picked servings. Finally, they found a way. This space is one of the Civet cat coffee coffee usually visit often leave feces. Their digestive system coffee scour the destruction caused feces, but it was left as a natural coffee.
Farmers have a clean collection of refuse Civet Tight timeline when they drink coffee tastes better than normal, he said. Dutch landowners are also coffee became extremely pleased. Via local coffee became gradually more people know about the famous game.

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