It’s My Birthday and Covid is the Star


Well, I am one of those lucky people who have a Birthday while COVID won't let us do anything. Still, I have had a pretty good day. I am 38 years young today. Or maybe 38 years old. It is a little funny that your age is why you will think I am young or old. I am enjoying furlough as some of you know. It isn't that bad to not be working as I live in the US and they are giving me enough money to get by.

My kids made my cake this year with a bit of help from Mom. I just asked for a simple cake and they went a bit overboard with the sprinkles. I also had a good laugh when they started to sign without listing the candles.


They did fix that and got one more photo before the song. I failed to blow them all out but it was because of the sprinkles. I need to get the video but when I blew the sprinkles went flying. Some of them hit my youngest in the face and I stopped with 2 to go. I was pretty funny once I was sure she was fine. I need to remember in the future if the sprinkles are loose then they are going to fly.

I have been able to have some fun while not working with @splinterlands. It has been my daily thing and last season I was happy to make it to champion 2. I hope to do that more often.

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I am hanging out in diamond 2 and got a nice little DEC bonus today. I also played a lot of Valorant today. I got into the beta and have been trying to remember how to play shooters. It is funny I was MVP once Second best on my team once and Worse once and second-worst. I guess I am good if you are bad.

Well, we ordered Outback for Dinner. So I am going to go enjoy that and relax with my family. While I can't go anywhere for my Birthday at least I am healthy and things are going well. My job might even be back to me soon.

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