Love, Happiness and My Life

The strongest people are not the ones who always win in the game but those who are steadfast and strong when they fall in even worse conditions. Somehow we are in this life journey, we have to learn about ourselves and realize that regret shouldn't exist but what should be there is only eternal appreciation for our choices in this life. The choices we have made ourselves.


More dangerous and severe shed tears in the heart than sobbing with sobbing tears. We can remove the tears that come out. While the hidden tears will make a very severe wound that will never disappear.


"Love" is when I shed tears and still care about him. "Love" is when he doesn't care about me and I'm still waiting for him. "Love" is when he starts to love others and I can still smile at him saying "I'm happy because you're happy".


In love, often "lose" and very rarely "win". But, when love is "sincere", even though we lose, we still "win" just because we feel happy to love someone more than our love for ourselves.


Loving is not how we "forget" but how we "forgive". Loving is not where we "master and possess", but where we share. Loving is not how we "listen" but how we "understand". Loving is not what we see, but what we "feel" Loving is not how we "let go".

If we cannot succeed in defending it, then free ourselves from it. Let our hearts return to spread their wings and fly to the wild again. Remember that we may find love and loss but when love dies, we don't need to die with it. Because the time will come when we have to stop loving someone, not because that person stops loving us. But because we realize that the person will be happier if we let go and sincerity to go.

There are things we don't want to let go of because they are people we don't want to leave. But remember to let go is not the end of the journey of the world but the beginning of a life.

Believe that happiness is for those who cry, those who are hurt, those who have sought and those who have tried, those who have sacrificed, because they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

Sometimes, the people we love are the ones who hurt us the most, but sometimes friends who bring us into his arms and cry with us are love that we don't realize.

Thanks for visiting
Regards @steemcarny86

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