Photography flower Lotus (Nymphaea) is the genus name for aquatic plants of the Nymphaeaceae tribe

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photography sjeezz

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Lotus (Nymphaea) is the genus name for aquatic plants of the Nymphaeaceae tribe. In English known as water-lily or waterlily. In Indonesia, the lotus is also used to refer to plants of the genus Nelumbo (lotus). in ancient times, people are often mixed up between Nelumbo genus plants like seroja with genus Nymphaea (lotus). on Nelumbo, flowers are on the surface of the water (not floating), red flushed petals (white to yellow lotus), the leaves are full circle and the rimpangnya usually consumed.


Plants grow on a calm surface. flowers and leaves are on the surface of the water, coming out of the stems coming from rhizomes that are in the mud at the bottom of a pond, river or swamp. The stem is in the middle of the leaf. Leaves are round or wide oval shapes cut off on the fingers leading to the stalk. the leaf surface does not contain a layer of wax so that water that falls onto the leaf surface does not form water grains.

The flower is in the stalk which is an extension of the rhizomes. Flower diameter between 5-10 cm.
the lotus consists of about 50 species scattered from the tropics to the subtropical regions of the world



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