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The beauty of something definitely different charms, each that in creating God there must be benefits, even though a human being according to no benefit, but in fact a priest there any considerations behind the mosquito, nature is so broad that it There are various types of plants and animals, whether they were alive or dead, but every natural mystery and save pesonan its beauty all its own.

Keindahan sesuatu pasti berbeda-beda pesonanya, setiap yang di ciptakan allah pasti ada manfaatnya, walaupun seekor makhluk yang menurut manusia tiada manfaat, namun pada hakikatnya seekor nyamuk pun pastu ada hikmahnya, alam yang begitu luas yang didalamnya ada beragam jenis tumbuhan dan hewan, baik benda itu hidup atau mati, namun setiap alam menyimpan misteri dan pesonan keindahannya tersendiri.