Why are newly born baby'sjaundice. learn more and be cautious.


Seven to 70 percent of newborn babies can have jaundice after birth. For 50 percent it is called physiological jaundice in general jaundice or medical science. In general, if the liver is completely delayed, then the level of Bilirubin in the blood increases and jaundice becomes very late.

Why is jaundice?

Children born in short weight or babies born before time are more affected in jaundice. Besides, the factors that are considered as cause of jaundice are-

If the blood group of the mother and the baby is not the same.

If the child does not have enough breastmilk at the right time, it is sometimes called breast-feeding jaundice.

If there is a history of mother infections during pregnancy.

If the child is born with a disease in birth

After birth, blood transfusion or septicemia.

If there is any kind of problems in the baby's liver or gallstheal

How will you understand jaundice

Observe whether the palm of the baby has turned yellow. Usually the face of the child becomes yellowish on the face, hands and chest or stomach. Also the color of the mural can be green. If there is a change in the color of the baby's skin, then the bilirubin levels can be examined in the blood. If there is a change in color, this bilirubin can be examined again and again.

If jaundice can be breast fed breast!

Keep in mind, in any case, a newborn baby can not be prevented from breastfeeding. The baby will have to breast feed regularly after two to three hours. The primary treatment of physiologic or normal jaundice is to breastfeed the baby properly.

Jaundice sunlight treatment or lighting treatment
When bilirubin levels are increasing, children are given phototherapy or light treatment. Because there is a difference between its benefits and effectiveness, this method is being used till now. Apart from this, the newborn is said to be about half-an-hour sunshine every morning. However, sunshine sunlight and ultraviolet rays can be very harmful for the skin.

When to be very careful
Normal jaundice is about to recover again within seven days. Still, taking precautions in some cases is very important. If jaundice occurs within 24 hours of childbirth, even after seven or ten days, if the child is completely stopped or reduced to eat, symptoms of fever or infection, if bilirubin levels rise rapidly or if any previous child dies due to jaundice, it is too soon Contact the doctor.

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