fifteen amazingly interesting information

  1. Dolphin sleeps with one eye open

  2. Chimpanzees exchange ideas through handshake like you!

  3. It is possible to make 33,000-mile length of cotton from one lb of pure cotton!

  4. The ant's smell is more than dogs.

  5. Penguin is the only bird that can swim but can not fly.

  6. If the whole world is covered by the amount of gold in the world, the height of the knee will be increased.

  7. Most of the lipstick in the world is made of fishes.

  8. Number of butterflies in the eyes of 12 thousand!

  9. But if you want to give it to the earrings, you will have a problem. Because the forehead is the ear!

  10. Fish also have cough.

  11. The bees have five eyes.

  12. The mosquito's teeth are 47.

  13. Snails breathe on their feet. Snails nose four.

  14. Turtles can breathe in the back of the body.

  15. Elephants are the only animals, who can not jump.

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